Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Peony Garden Sneak Peak

 Well hello...

First...are you all ready for Christmas?  As I write this post, I do have Christmas music playing in the background.  Well, I have most of the presents wrapped and under the tree, packages have been mailed to Joshua & Emily in Missoula, cards have been mailed, so, except for some last-minute grocery shopping.  I think I am ready.  How about you?

I know it's been a while since I have been out here sharing.  I am hoping (fingers crossed) that I can get back to a regular schedule of posting again.  I have been very busy planning all my classes for the next three months.  Yes, I have planned out that far.  That means you all can put these classes on your schedule.

Today I wanted to share a sneak peak of the 1st Zoom class for 2021.  I will be doing the Peony Garden class.

We will be making one of these.  Which one do like better?

You can find all the details on my classes here.

You can also join my Monthly Club at any time.  To sign up for the next one click here.  Here is a card from the Dec monthly club.  We used the Quite Curvy Bundle coming out in the new catalog.

Did you receive the new Sale-a-Bration and Mini Jan - June catalog yet?  If you didn't, or if you know someone that would like it click here.  I do charge $5.00 for shipping.  However, you will receive a $5.00 coupon off your first order.

As always let me know if you have any questions about the project, the products, or any of my upcoming classes or events.

Let's Stamp It!
If you want a little - place an order.
If you want a lot - host a workshop.
If you want it all - Become a demonstrator.
(Make sure when you click on the shop with me button, that it goes to my page.)


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